LQLI is a 10-month leadership training program that develops future leaders for the mission of LifeQuest Church and the Kingdom of God.

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1  | A focus on Christian leadership
We focus on five core attributes of Christian leadership (the 5C’s):
  • Christ 
  • Community
  • Character
  • Calling
  • Competence
2 | R.I.S.E. modeled training
LQLI utilizes the four dimensions of training (the 4D’s), modeled after Jesus’ ministry. The 4D’s can be abbreviated as R.I.S.E.:
  • Relationship
  • Instruction
  • Spirituality
  • Experience
3 | Mentorship
Each participant is assigned a mentor for the duration of the program. Mentors are key to this process and work closely with participants throughout the program.
4 | Learning block progression
The 10-month program consists of four learning blocks that lead to the completion and graduation of the LQLI course:
  • Foundation - We devote the first block of LQLI to identifying and resolving strongholds and errors in participants’ lives.
  • Training - Each training track focuses on one of the C’s and uses the R.I.S.E. dimensions to implement training.
  • Leading - Leaders in training are formally commissioned to the LifeQuest ministry area they are called to.
  • Mission - The LQLI class serves on a mission or project of the group’s choosing and design, sponsored by LifeQuest and/or partner organizations.